Moving with the Moment

The Solar Eclipse and You

What would you reach for in life, if you believed it was attainable? What would you dream, if you let yourself dream BIGGER? What is your Heart’s great longing? …

Consciously or not, we’re in the midst of a revolution and your answers to these questions are directions for what comes next.

Our planet is undergoing rapid transformation and as the energy of the Earth changes, so do we. There is no form of life, or strata of our lives, that isn’t a part of this change. While disruptive, this is an opportunity to move harmoniously into something new. It’s a shift into higher vibrational states of being, (higher consciousness) and it calls to the surface that which has been sub-conscious and of lower vibrational patterns.

We see examples of this externally, like the rise of extremism, hatred and war. And internally, as we confront our own distortions: the unresolved traumas and emotions of our inner-world that function as a lens through which we see and experience life, and obscuring our perception. We’re seeing more clearly now, what’s been operating outside of our conscious awareness, because in order to evolve, it all needs to move and we have to see it to be able to change it. So how do we transform ourselves and shift with the planet into higher consciousness?

As someone who has been doing “the work” to understand myself and to realize my human potential for as long as I can remember, I feel I’ve been preparing for this moment my entire life. I’m here to offer a hand across the bridge we’re standing at now.

So how do we transform and step into a new paradigm?

  • Connect. Ground your body and your nervous system in nature

  • Become still and notice what happens

  • Turn your attention inward to cultivate the sensitivity to receive the world, seen and unseen, and learn to discern the language of your heart

  • Learn to be Present. Become an environment for all things to emerge into conscious awareness without rejection or reaction, and from this state of centeredness, make choices aligned with your heart

  • Allow yourself to feel difficult emotions in the container of safety you’ve learned to provide through self-compassion

  • Nurture Loving feelings as often as possible. Make this a practice

  • Trust that you are supported, that every condition and circumstance in your life is your path unfolding and leading you to Love

2024 is a powerful time to work with the energy at hand and on April 8th, (the full solar eclipse in the northern hemisphere) and in the weeks and months that follow, to initiate these practices. As challenging as is to face change, this is the most dynamic, opportunistic time of our lives. Personally and collectively, this is a chance to birth a new story of ourselves and of Humanity.

So what stories and ways of being, are calling for resolution now? Hint: What structures and strategies aren’t working anymore? What emotions feel like obstacles in your life? .. And what whispers of the Heart are daring you to leap?

The time is now


To learn to transform your life through the intelligent instrument that is your body, join me April 27th, at Skyting yoga for the next E-Motion workshop where you’ll learn science backed heart-coherence techniques, and grow your subtle-body awareness through somatic exploration. Workshop info here

You can also find me @SlowYoga with Courtney, on Youtube & stay tuned there for more!

And you can work with me directly, for Yoga Therapy, life coaching and mentorship, or for a personalized yoga practice. More info on that here.

Be brave! Be heart-centered! Be who your Soul came here to be

You’re Loved, Courtney

Courtney Mace

New York City based Beauty and Wellness specialist

Yoga therapist and Stylist

Befriending your Body